Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Reaching other Organizations for Improving Cambodians’ lives

Hello Guys!  I am Soomin! Today, I want to talk about one of my assignments in Cambodia, which is to get useful responses from other organizations applying the C-BED training tool.

First of all, I want to show the building where I worked.

Can you see the yellow buildings in this picture?  These buildings are called ‘Phnom Penh Center’ located in the center of Phnom Penh.  In these buildings, there are a variety of offices for different organizations. The ILO uses one of the buildings.

During my internship, I had tried to reach other organizations, such as governmental organizations, NGOs, and private sector organizations, to get their responses after their experience with C-BED.

To remind you of the C-BED, there is a brief summary for you.
CBED is an ILO training tool which establishes the capacity of current or aspiring entrepreneurs to start or improve their businesses without requiring external trainers or facilitators. CBED’s simple design encourages community facilitators to guide training sessions by providing instructions for participant-driven individual and group activities. Consequently implementation of CBED is very low cost and has great utility in poor or vulnerable communities that would traditionally be inaccessible due to social or geographical isolation.

The reason why I tried to contact other organizations is that the ILO had piloted the C-BED training package until the beginning of this year. We need feedback to enhance the C-BED training tool and make it more solid than before.

The survey period was from 03 July 2014 to 17 July 2014. The primary objective of the survey is to map the status of C-BED program implementation in Cambodia, by measuring the overall satisfaction with C-BED, which is designed to inform us how to enhance a broader framework to monitor, manage, and report on the impact of C-BED.

Twenty five organizations were asked ten questions through either accessing a link of Survey Monkey website or filling out a Micro Word file. The survey questions are about their previous involvement with C-BED in terms of how they participated, how many times, what kind of challenges they had, and the effectiveness of C-BED.

A partial list of partner organizations include ‘Centre d'Etude et de Développement Agricole Cambodgien’, ‘Khana’, Pour un Sourire d'Enfant Institute, etc.

I called each of the respondents to get more detailed information and I met some of them in person. J  Their feedback was very useful that I could do my assessment and give my recommendation to supplement the current C-BED training tool, and to find out the current status of C-BED in Cambodia.

I hope to share this with U of M students soon!!

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