Upon landing in the thin air of Addis Ababa and taking that
first breath of fresh air after a long flight, one finds it even more
challenging to the lungs by perhaps the most lax emissions environment I have ever
experienced. The dry mountain air seems almost schizophrenic as you walk
through cool, fresh breezes into dusty patches of African sun. Smells of
coffee, spices, fresh injera and seasoned meats fill the main streets of my
small “off the beaten path” neighborhood. One is instantly reminded not to
breath too deeply as it only takes a few steps off of those main streets until
a less welcoming scent begins to permeate the air. A scent that seemingly begs
you to acknowledge the stark economic disparity that is the reality of Addis
Ababa. The lights of Bole, the cathedrals, the architectural relics of Menelik
and Haile Selassie; each part of the beautiful face of a city seething just
below the surface. Of a people so purely Ethiopian, so charismatically Habesha,
that they are at the cusp between prideful acceptance and (perhaps
revolutionarily) demanding more.

As for Habesha people, what could I possibly do but sing
their praises? Gracious and welcoming in every situation, guests are always
taken care of first and respected in the highest. I end up wondering when or if
the guest label is going to wear off! At times it feels like a barrier, an
invisible veil separating myself from next level of companionship and cultural
richness that “guests” don’t get to experience. I feel it lifting at times;
when I’m no longer offered the sugar first, when I get laughed at for something
that isn’t simply pronunciation based, perhaps I feel it most when I am no
longer warned that what I ordered may be “too hot for a ferenji.”
The work is great. Coming into the office everyday to be
served the warm caffeinated beverage of your choice? How come nobody told me
about that perk? (Not to make you jealous, but it happens at 3:00 as well)
first arriving at the GETF offices in Arlington until this very morning, I am
continuously motivated by the energy of those around me. There is spirit
amongst all in the field of WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) that connects
them to a common goal. I feel thankful to be part of that team.
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